The service adjustment for NTU Student Counseling Center (2021.7.26)

In accordance with the directions from National Pandemic Command Center, NTU SCC (Student Counseling Center) is going to take a couple of steps to restart our face-face services.

1. Starting on 7/27, SCC will start to make counseling arrangement for students that had been seeing counselors at SCC and intake appointments will be provided first to students who scheduled intakes right before the pandemic break but were not able to be seen.
2. As of today, SCC intake booking system is opened for all students to schedule an intake appointment.  However, our English interface is currently under construction.  Please send your intake request to and our staff will make an intake arrangement for you.
3. Disability Support Services Office restarts services on 7/27.

SCC continues to take preventative measures to protect everyone’s safety. Therefore, when students come to SCC and Disability Support Services Office, please follow the directions from NTU Pandemic Committee:

1. Take your temperature at the front desk.  If you have a fever or respiratory tract symptoms, please go to see a doctor, stay at home to rest and avoid coming to the campus.
2. Please put on your mask at all times and maintain social distance while receiving services at SCC.  Our staff will do the same.
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